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Section 2 Normative documents on standardization and their application Article 6. Normative documents on standardization and requirements to them 1. Normative documents on standardization valid on the territory of the Russian Federation in cases, in order and on conditions specified by this Law shall be: state standards of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as state standards); international (regional) standards, rules, norms and recommendations on standardization applied as specified; all – Russian classifiers for technical and economic information; sector standards; company standards; standards of scientific and technical, engineering societies and other public affiliations. Implied under a sector in this Law is a combination of subjects of economic activity irrespective of their agency affiliation and forms of property developing and (or) producing products (performing operations and rendering services) of specific types which have uniform consumer or functional purpose. 2. Requirements specified by normative documents on standardization should be based on up-to-date achievements of science and technology, international (regional) standards, rules, norms and recommendations on standardization, advanced national standards of other states, take into account the conditions of how products are used, operations performed and services rendered, labour conditions and modes and should not violate provisions established by legislative acts of the Russian Federation. 3. Normative documents on standardization of products and services subject according to legislation to mandatory russian certification should contain requirements which are used for mandatory russian certification, methods of control to prove conformity with these requirements, rules for marking of products and services, requirements to information on russian certification included in accompanied documents. Clause 3 of Article 6 of this Law is supplemented by the federal law № 211-Ф 3 of December 27, 1995 by the following paragraph: Normative documents on standardization, which are adopted by the federal executive authorities and specify or should specify requirements to fire safety, are subject to mandatory agreement with the state fire service of the Ministry of International Affairs of the Russian Federation. 4. State standards, sector standards shall not be an object of copyright. Article 7. State standards, all-Russian classifiers for technical and economic information 1. State standards shall be developed for products, operations and services having intersector importance and should not be in conflict with legislation of the Russian Federation. State standards should contain: (Paragraph 2 of clause 1 of Article 7 of this Law is amended by the federal law № 211-Ф3 of December 27, 1995. Amendments shall become effective from the date of official publication. See earlier worded text of the paragraph.) safety requirements to products, operations and services for environment, human life, health and property, fire safety requirements, labour safety and industrial sanitation requirements; requirements to technical and information compatibility as well as interchangeability of products; major consumer (performance) characteristics of products, methods of their control, requirements to packaging, marking, transportation, storage, usage and disposal of products; rules and norms ensuring technical and information unification when products are developed, produced, used, operations performed and services rendered including rules for presentation of technical documents, tolerances and fits, general rules for assurance of quality of products, operations and services, preservation and rational usage of all types of resources, terms and their definitions, symbols, metrological and other general technical and organizational and technical rules and norms. To ensure the state protection of interests of the Russian Federation and competitiveness of domestic products (services) the preliminary perspective requirements anticipating possibilities of traditional technologies shall be specified in justified cases. The content of requirements specified in state standards, their scope, field of application and date of introduction shall be established by state management bodies which adopt them. 2. Requirements specified by state standards to ensure safety of products, operations and services for environment, human life, health and property, technical and information compatibility, interchangeability of products, uniformity of their methods of control and uniformity of marking as well as other requirements specified by legislation of the Russian Federation shall be mandatory for observation by state management bodies and subjects of economic activity. The compliance of products and services with requirements specified in state standards shall be established as stipulated by legislation of the Russian Federation on mandatory russian certification of products and services. Other requirements specified by state standards to products, operations and services shall be observed by subjects of economic activity in pursuance of an agreement or if it is indicated in technical documents of the manufacturer (supplier) of products, the performer of operations or services. In this case the compliance of products and services with requirements specified in state standards may be established as stipulated by legislation of the Russian Federation in voluntary russian certification of products and services. 3. The compliance of products and services with requirements specified in state standards may be proved by marking products and services by a mark of conformity with state standards. Gosstandart of Russia shall determine a form of a mark of conformity with state standards, the procedure of marking by this mark and the procedure of issuing licenses to subjects of economic activity for marking products and services by this mark. Subjects of economic activity having licenses for marking products and services by a mark of conformity with state standards as well as products and services marked by this mark shall enter the State register of products and services marked by a mark of conformity with state standards. Gosstandart of Russia shall establish the procedure for maintaining the above register and its usage. 4. According to this Law Gosstandart of Russia shall adopt state standards and all – Russian classifiers for technical and economic information and in the area of construction and industry of construction materials – the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Architecture and Construction (Gosstroy of Russia). State standards shall become effective after their state registration in Gosstandart of Russia. 5. Gosstandart of Russia shall establish the procedure for development, adoption, introduction, application and maintenance of all – Russian classifiers for technical and economic information. Article 8. Sector standards, company standards, standards of scientific and technical and engineering societies and other public affiliations. 1. Sector standards may be developed and adopted by state management bodies within their competence to meet requirements indicated in Article 1 of this Law as applied to sector products, operations and services. Sector standards should not be in conflict with mandatory requirements specified in state standards, State management bodies which adopted sector standards shall be responsible for the compliance of their requirements with mandatory requirements of state standards. State standards of the State standardization system shall establish the procedure for development, adoption, registration, application, control over observance of mandatory requirements, amendment and withdrawl of sector standards. 2. Company standards may be developed and approved by enterprises independently to apply them to meet requirements indicated in Article 1 of this Law as well improve organization and management of production. Company standards shall be mandatorily observed by other subjects of economy activity if a reference to these standards is made in the agreement on development, production and supply of products, on operations to be performed and services rendered. 3. Standards of scientific and technical and engineering societies and other public affiliations shall be developed and adopted by these public affiliations to dynamically distribute and use the results of studies and developments obtained in various areas of knowledge. The need of using such standards shall be established by subjects of economic activity independently. 4. According to this Law the subjects of economic activity shall independently establish the procedure for development, approval, registration, amendment and withdrawl of standards. 5. Standards of subjects of economic activity should not be in conflict with mandatory requirements specified in state standards. Subjects of economic activity which adopted these standards shall be responsible for the compliance of their requirements with mandatory requirements of state standards. 6. Information on adopted sector standards, standards of scientific and technical and engineering societies and other public affiliations shall be sent to bodies under Gosstandart of Russia. Article 9. Application of normative documents on standardization 1. Normative documents on standardization should be applied by state management bodies, subjects of economic activity at the stages of development, preparation of products for production, their production, realization (supply, sale), usage (operation), storage, transportation and disposal, when operations are performed and services rendered, when technical documents are developed (design, technological, project ones) including technical specifications, catalogue lists on products to be supplied (services to be rendered). Valid sector standards shall be applied on the territory of the Russian Federation in cases when their requirements are not in conflict with legislation of the Russian Federation. 2. The compliance of products, operations to be performed and services rendered with mandatory requirements of state standards should be incorporated by the customer and performer into the agreement. 3. The need to apply normative documents on standardization in relation to products (services) produced (rendered) on the territory of the Russian Federation to export them from its territory shall be determined by a contract (agreement) with exception of cases stipulated by legislation of the Russian Federation. 4. Import of products and services to the customs territory of the Russian Federation and their proof of conformity with mandatory requirements specified in state standards shall be carried out as stipulated by legislation of the Russian Federation. Article 10. Information on normative documents on standardization, their publication and sale 1. The official information on adopted state standards, all – Russian classifiers for technical and economic information and those under development as well as state standards and all – Russian classifiers themselves should be accessible for users including foreign ones where they are not confidential. 2. Gosstandart of Russia shall publish the official information on state standards, all – Russian classifiers for technical and economic information, international (regional) standards, rules, norms and recommendations on standardization, national standards of other states as well as information on international agreements in the area of standardization and rules for their usage; it shall set up and maintain the federal collection of state standards and all – Russian classifiers for technical and economic information as well as international (regional) standards, rules, norms and recommendations on standardization, national standards of foreign countries. The Government of the Russian Federation shall establish the procedure for setting up this collection and rules for its usage. The provision on setting up and rules for usage of the federal collection of state standards, all – Russian classifiers for technical and economic information, international (regional) standards, rules, norms and recommendations on standardization, national standards of foreign countries is approved by the decision of the Government of RF № 100 of February 12, 1994 3. State management bodies which adopted normative documents on standardization within their competence, subjects of economic activity which approved normative documents on standardization shall compile and maintain collections of these documents and provide users with information on them and documents as such on an agreed upon basis. 4. State management bodies which adopted such normative documents on standardization shall have an exclusive right to officially publish state standards and all – Russian classifiers for technical and economic information according to the established procedure. The Government of the Russian Federation shall establish the procedure for publication of state standards and all – Russian classifiers for technical and economic information. 5. Gosstandart of Russia shall have an exclusive right to officially publish information contained in the all-Russian catalogue for products and services incorporated into the state register of products and services marked by a mark of conformity with state standards. | | ||||||||||||||
© 1997 INO «IQC» - GOST R certification in Russia. Russian certificate of compliance, gost certificate of quality in certification system GOST R (Rostechnadzor). Russian testing lab Rostest.